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Business Strategy- A Mission Critical Priority for Every Ambitious Management Professional

Business Strategy- A Mission Critical Priority for Every Ambitious Management Professional March 12, 2019

Organizations have dealt with the ignorant and complacent, and come out learner, wiser, and more efficient than ever before. Hitting the ground running is the strategic mantra of today’s global recruiters. Are you upto the task?

Not familiar with Michael Porter? Nor Ram Charan? Maybe pop author Rober Greene or Oliver Wyman’s research reports? The important thing to know is not about how they advise the world’s biggest enterprises and business leaders on how to grow and thrive in a constantly disruptive economy, the spell of their true magic reveals itself in how the workers, present and future, of the world, even those about to graduate, can seamlessly integrate into the big picture vision and mission statements of the world’s corporate giants.

Welcome to the 2019 global corporate landscape. The mundane tasks are handled by robots and business strategy alignment is the key driver to sustainable growth, in any industry and any economy across the world. Every aspiring professional need to understand, no, literally imbibe in their veins, the meaning of business strategy and organizational vision alignment, it would be safe to say that there is no strategic resource available to answer the simple questions anymore.

So why Business Strategy?

Here’s a perspective - Consider Business Strategy a marriage of human intuition and knowledge pools coupled with the technologies, frameworks and decision making capabilities refinement that just takes away the guesswork out of business growth and success. In a digitally transformed world facing constant disruption, its almost obvious why such a skill-set would be invaluable to organizations and why the development of business acumen among employees and aspiring candidates of all levels should be a priority of the highest levels. Yes, the onus is on human resources and talent management to bring these into play but what’s missing is the seamless and perfect alignment of business strategy in the new entrants of the workforce. This is exactly where the thoroughly sharpened minds on the whetstone of business strategy, ethics and tactical frameworks come into play.


For every single product that Google announces and every market it enters, it plays a lateral role in empowering other businesses to use its platforms, sometimes even its competitors. When Google map vehicles were scanning every nook and cranny of the world, little did lesser mortals know that global application makers would one day rely on the Google GIS developer license to build their own delivery services and applications. Names like Uber, Yelp and Lyft instantly come to mind. Even local discovery platforms rely on the simple API. But that has not wavered its predominance in the online advertising or global search industry – a simple but thoughtful example of the power of business strategy that goes into shaping the world’s largest conglomerates, and it’s not the founders who are the fountainheads here. It’s the average workers, the teams, who need to correlate with the organization vision and strategy.

Business Strategy isn’t for leaders anymore in a world of democratized corporations and flat hierarchies. They are for every single aspirant looking to build a career. And the obvious pole position lies in and credential that has the power and the global wherewithal to set strategic and management career paths in the right trajectories.

The very definition of corporate professionals have changed over time, and application of judgment, brainpower and superlative strategy skills now surpass most other technical skills for management professionals. The future belongs to business strategists, consultants and strategy experts whose required numbers are woefully short of the demand for them. The rapidly growing need of sound business decision makers based on business strategy of the enterprise, with robust enterprise knowledge frameworks will shape the organizations of the future. Those who are a 100% aligned to the vision and mission of organizations will make the cut. If you are planning your career as a business strategy consulting professional, now is the time to take the decisive action that will make (high probability) or break (if you’re not an early adopter) in the current global corporate scenario. Make the right choice for your professional credentials in business strategy that you can showcase to your current or prospective employer.

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